(415) 431-9660 or (844) 356-9700 info@taxplusfinancial.com

Contact Us

TaxPlus is committed to providing the highest quality tax services to our clients with careful attention to the needs of each individual and small business.

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(415) 431-9660 Local

(844) 356-9700 Toll Free

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4100 Redwood Rd. Suite #20A-440

Oakland, CA  94619

What credentials and experience do your tax preparers have?

All of our tax preparers at TaxPlus are fully licensed to prepare taxes.  Each preparer has years of experience working with tax situation similar to yours.  

Are your tax preparers up-to-date with the latest tax laws and regulations?

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What is the cost of your tax preparation services, and are there any additional fees I should be aware of?

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How long does it typically take for you to complete a tax return, and when can I expect to receive my completed return?

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Are you able to handle complex tax situations, such as self-employment, rental properties, or investments?

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Do you offer electronic filing, and if so, is there an additional charge for this service?

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Can you provide year-round tax planning and consultation services to help minimize my tax liability?

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Contact Us

Have a Question Or Need to Make An Appointment? Contact Us!

2 + 1 =

Phone: (415) 431 - 9660


4100 Redwood Rd. #20A-440, Oakland, CA 94619


M-F: 8am-5pm, S-S: Closed